Daniel Lo Presti
A propos de Daniel
While I have an intense interest in the entire film-making process, from pre- to post-production, I am mainly driven by, and focused on, cinematography / lighting and editing.
My fields of expertise and experience span music videos, short/long-form documentaries, corporate/interview/promotional, and narrative (storyboarding, preparing shot lists/shooting schedules, blocking).
Building on experience in music production [composition, sound design, engineering/mixing] affords me a holistic approach to the visual arts, giving the appropriate attention to each aspect of the craft:
- motivated / stylised lighting for specific moods and/or realism
- camera movement and framing to sell the storyline
- a continual awareness of how the material will be assembled in the cutting room
- allowing the medium of sound to support, enhance and lend credibility to the viewer’s experience.