Jolan Colpaert

Chercheur de travail

A propos de Jolan

I would describe myself as a low conventional, creative, hardworking and flexible designer
with a wide range of interests. I am experienced in 3d design, the adobe programs, textwith a wide range of interests. I am experienced in 3d design, the adobe programs, text
design, publication design and illustration. In addition, I believe that in my intuitivedesign, publication design and illustration. In addition, I believe that in my intuitive
experimentation I can be an inspiration to those around me.experimentation I can be an inspiration to those around me.


Animation / Design / VFX: 2D / 3D Artist, Compositor, Motion Designer, Technical Director
Artisanat: Costumier, Décorateur / Production Design, Styliste / Visagiste
Développement / Production: Concept Artist / Storyboarder, Directeur Artistique
Rédaction / Communication: Collaborateur en Recherche
Web / Game / App: Designer (UX / UI), Digital Creative

Skills et CV

Compétences linguistiques: Aucun sélectionné
Permis de conduire: Aucun sélectionné
Certificats officiels: Aucun sélectionné
Scan de competences: Non-accessible au public

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