Over Gang Belgium Bv
StoryMe is all about achieving impact. You see, we believe that every communication problem has a video-based solution. We want our content to have an impact on its audience like a smile, an urge to buy or even an incentive to start a revolution. We’re a video company first, a solution company second.
This common goal is what makes us stick together like glue. Because to us, who we are is just as important as what we do. When you’re new, we’ll welcome you with open arms and when you leave, you’re never really gone. Throughout the years we’ll grow and change, and so will StoryMe. Because we define our company.
When we talk video, we don't have opinions. We have convictions. We know how to make video and how to use it. We are video advocates. It's our responsibility to prove just how impactful video can be.
Gang Belgium Bv valt onder PC 227