![12 interesting film sound tutorial videos](https://wmimages.mediarte.be/styles/fc03973b58d0e062cdcddebf3bf31358e9039589/www.mediarte.be/production/content_block_image/protools-pqvpv6.jpg?style=W3sianBlZyI6eyJxdWFsaXR5Ijo2NX19LHsicmVzaXplIjp7ImZpdCI6Imluc2lkZSIsIndpZHRoIjoxOTIwLCJoZWlnaHQiOjEwODAsIndpdGhvdXRFbmxhcmdlbWVudCI6dHJ1ZX19XQ==&sign=97068b84c29c32f592e3f44971a6fe8b4841131d2be6926b24b6f45371cec4ac)
Want to get started with film sound? Here's an interesting series of 12 film sound tutorials by Michael Cullen from Soundtuts, covering everything from creating a session in Pro Tools, track organization, to sound effects editing, automation, grouping and much more:
Tutorial 1: Beginning a Session:
This is the 1st tutorial of the series to learn how to sound design and mix for films. In this video, we talk about organizing and setting up your session to being the sound editorial process:
Tutorial 2: Track Creation and Organization:
In this video, we talk about creating your editorial tracks and then adding a 2 POP:
Tutorial 3: Importing Picturelock and AAF/OMF:
In this video, we talk about importing your picturelock video file and your AAF/OMF file and then ensuring that everything is in sync: