Two leading EU-funded media projects, I3 and MediaRoad, gathered representatives from the European Parliament, European Commission and media organisations to discuss the challenges facing media innovation and the need for a common programme within the next European Financial Framework

During the debate on the 24th of May, the sector highlighted its needs to foster media research and innovation in Europe and ensure its competitiveness, jointly calling for a dedicated funding programme integrating technology innovation and creativity in Europe.
By creating an open and horizontal innovation scheme, the EU could bridge the existing gaps between technological innovation, creative content production and R&D. This would be essential to nourish know-how and skills in Europe, to accelerate the transition from ideas to commercial implementation, to attract young creatives and technology experts and benefit the users. Overall, such a scheme will ensure that European media can thrive in today’s rapidly shifting media landscape.
“In Europe, we need well-resourced collaboration in media technology research. Programmes that provide effective ways for creatives and technology enthusiasts to create innovations and test them quickly in the market for both B2B and B2C audiences.
Indeed, according to the evidence collected by I3 through its consultation with more than 100 stakeholders, the media and creative sector is not sufficiently supported by EU funding programmes. In particular, the majority of participants asked to devote additional economic resources to the sector, to explore innovative business models for the industry, and to boost the support for technological innovation applied to content verification, data-driven content production, AI and accessibility services for media.
More detailed findings from the I3 project can be found in the CSAs Joint Whitepaper to be published in September, while MediaRoad will present the results of its consultation in a ‘Vision Paper on the Future of Innovation in Media’ to be published in June.