Are you part of the media industry and in particular of the audio-visual or radio sector?
Are you concerned about its developments and do you want to ensure a bright and innovative future for the sector?
Share your ideas and views on how the future European Research & Innovation Agenda for media should look like and contribute to the creation of a joint vision for media innovation!
Your input could not be more timely! EU policy makers are now discussing the future of the European Research Agenda beyond 2020 in the framework of the upcoming proposal on the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and its R&D scheme under the Framework Programme 9 (FP9).
The European media and creative sector has great innovative potential and contributes to the developments of research and innovation in Europe. Adequate support and investment in R&D, technological innovation and creative content production are therefore key to build on a strong tradition in the European Union and existing schemes, and to ensure the future sustainability and developments of the audio-visual and radio sector. To do so, we need to collect input from the stakeholders of the sector in order to build a common vision for media innovation in Europe.
With the following stakeholder consultation, imec-SMIT-VUB is gathering your views on trends and challenges for media innovation, as well as needed policy actions, on behalf of MediaRoad project. Your insights and opinions will feed into the first MediaRoad Vision Document.
The consultation will run from 26 March 2018 to 22 April 2018 and mediarte acts as partner of this project.
This document will present a long-term roadmap and identify policy recommendations, providing you with an opportunity to contribute to the future European Research Agenda for Media beyond 2020.
Please reply to the Mediaroad-survey
MediaRoad is an EU-funded project aiming to help Europe’s media sector revamp the way it approaches innovation by shaping future research and policy priorities as well as by strengthening collaboration between European media organizations, researchers, creative and cultural industries, technology experts and entrepreneurs.
Should you be interested in receiving updates from MediaRoad please register here or contact us if you are interested in becoming an official MediaRoad stakeholder and wish to be involved in future activities.